Let GTM save up to 83% of your time …and spy on your competitors.
Acclaimed from top web analytics and GTM experts, Project Andromeda is the web analytics suite that allows you to:
- Legally SPY on your competitors
- Stop blaming the Google Tag Manager user interface
- Reduce your analytics implementation time (up to -83%)
- Get alerted if a tag or a trigger stop working
Watch the MeasureCamp London Presentation

“I’m proud of my contributions to the education space of analytics development work, but I stand awestruck by the incredible contributions of Matteo Zambon (and his co-conspirators) to how Google Tag Manager has been taught and promoted first in Italy, and now all around the world.”
Simo Ahava
“The Spy Tool is totally awesome… very useful for finding new tagging solutions by studying your competitors…”
Stefano Petrone
Brought you by Matteo Zambon, the leading Italian expert of Google Tag Manager
Partner of In Risalto, a digital company operating in Italy and Founder of Tag Manager Italia (the first Italian portal dedicated to Google Tag Manager), Matteo Zambon has decades of experience as a web developer alongside an in-depth specialization in SEM, SEO, and web analytics, consolidated with several Google certifications.
A Silver Product Expert in the Italian Google Advertiser Community, Matteo was the first Italian popularizer of Google Tag Manager. He is a go-to expert when it comes to learning and disseminating GTM and other tag management systems at high-level events. He is the author of the first book in Italian on the subject (Google Tag Manager for Beginners), which has been translated into English. It is a bestseller in its category on Amazon, which is now in its second English edition.
Furthermore, Matteo has produced Al Comando, the first video course in Italian on Google Tag Manager. It is considered one of the most advanced and complete GTM courses.

What is Project Andromeda and why should I use it?

Project Andromeda is a tool suite based on GTM API (see Terms of Service) that extends the features of Google Tag Manager, bringing both improvements to already existing functionalities and brand new features.
The result of months of research, the Andromeda project has been entirely conceived and engineered in Italy by Matteo Zambon and his team.
Available as a subscription-base SaaS (Software-as-a-Service), Project Andromeda aims to revolutionize the way people use Google Tag Manager, by
- speeding-up the routine tasks performed by GTM users
- empowering the current features of GTM
- providing a full library of configuration file templates
- adding several utilities for debugging
- extending the functionalities of GTM from a tracking tool to a competitive intelligence tool, that allows you to get full access to competitors and best-of-breed digital analytics strategies.
01. Stop getting mad at the Tag Manager user interface.
Designed after the Google Material Design criteria, the Google Tag Manager user interface aims to make things easy for new users.
However, frequent and power users may find some operations very clumsy and time-consuming (i.e. renaming and cleaning Tag, Triggers and Variables).
Project Andromeda solves this problem thanks to its renaming and cleaning up utilities.

02. Batch import and export in a flash a full library of GTM’s Configuration Files
One of the most amazing features of GTM is the ability to import and export GTM file configurations in and from your containers.
Project Andromeda makes this process a breeze, letting you perform a batch import and export of your configuration file templates (CFT).
Matteo’s library contains dozens of pre-configured CFT that you can copy and paste for the most common tracking you may need, ranging from simple to advanced tracking needs. Of course, you can add your CFT’s to the library too.
03. Spy on your competitors (and acquire more customers)
The Spy Tool is the most celebrated feature of Project Andromeda. It turns Google Tag Manager into a competitive intelligence tool; in other words, a tool that allows you to
- spy on your competitors GTM containers, therefore getting intelligence info about their tracking habits, their monthly spending in web analytics tools, their custom HTML tags, etc.
- export and organize your findings in a report that you can use to monitor your client’s competitor (or to persuade your potential customers about your skills)
- download the GTM container of your competitor and import it in your browser while you are visiting your competitor’s site, in order to get full access to its tracking settings

04. Access the advanced stuff (utilities for measurement protocol, block page changes and other debug tools)
In the beginning, Project Andromeda wasn’t intended to be a tool for public release.
It was a utility that we built for our team, in order to have an all-in-one tool to help us develop, implement and debug the tracking strategies meant for our clients.
Therefore, we loaded Project Andromeda with a full array of utility and debug tools, like the “block the page change” switch.
We also added a utility for Google Analytics Measurement Protocol Validation (MPVU).
05. Get alerted via Slack if a tag or trigger is not working (BETA)
When several people have access and keep working on a website, some strange things can happen. For example, a GTM tag or trigger may stop working, therefore polluting the data coming from the tracking.
What if GTM could recognize this problem and alert you in realtime via Slack? We are working on it: it is a Beta feature of Project Andromeda.

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